Achille Mbembe in Vienna, Austria – Listen to all lectures

  • 01freshVibes-Spezial-31Aug2022-AchilleMbembe_in_Wien-Teil1
  • 02freshVibes-Spezial-1Sept2022-AchilleMbembe_in_Wien-Teil2
  • 03freshVibes-Spezial-1Sept2022-AchilleMbembe_in_Wien-Teil3
56:08 Min.
freshVibes 070: Resistance Through Art mit Stimmen aus DR Kongo & Sudan
55:49 Min.
freshVibes 069: Black History Month 2025 & Yes She Can Mentoring Programm
57:00 Min.
freshVibes 068: Rückblick 2024 & Happy New Gregorian Year 2025
1 Std. 00 Sek.
freshVibes 067: Mo Harawe, Klimagerechtigkeit und 70 jahre Hailé Selassié in Wien
03:01 Min.
freshVibes-Archives: 2. Jahresbericht – Schwarze Menschen in Österreich: Bildung im Fokus (2011)
4 Std. 30:27 Min.
freshVibes-Spezial: The 70th Anniversary of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I Ras Tafari Visit to Austria in 1954
1 Std. 38:10 Min.
Krisengebiet Österreich: Klima und Rassismus, wo ist die Gerechtigkeit ?
56:18 Min.
Proper Love und Ras Tafari in Wien
29:01 Min.
freshVibes Spezial: The White Canvas - Interview mit Nassirou Holik
40:23 Min.
freshVibes Spezial: Action Week for Sudan Aktionswoche - Die Kundgebung Hands Off Sudan

Between August 31st until September 2nd 2022, Dr. Achille Mbembe, political theorist, and public intellectual who is a research professor in history and politics at the Wits Institute for Social and Economy Research at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa was in Vienna, Austria. He was invited by AFRIEUROTEXT and fresh Magazine to deliver lectures on the topics of Restitution, Rehabilitation and Reconciliation during the 3RRR Kitong-Kiass international symposium at AFRIEUROTEXT (Day 1) and at CEU Central European University (Day 2 and Day 3). You can download the entire program here as pdf file.

Here are the audio files to listen to:

  • First Day: Achille Mbembe on his thinking and writing, A conversation with Daniel Bitouh
  • Day two: Achille Mbembe on Restitution, Rehabilitation and Reconciliation with Q&A
  • Day three: Achille Mbembe meets the African Diaspora in Austria, Conclusion of the international Symposium

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