Simonida Selimović, Romano Svato, the first feminist and professional Roma theatre association

  • Simonida Selimović, Romano Svato, the first feminist and professional Roma theatre association
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Ženergija celebrate 20 years & 2 years on Radio Orange- LIVE
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How is it possible that an entire nation of Romani people cannot place their centuries-long history in the center, they are always on the margin and periphery. How is a nation that has never led wars, whose guiding stars are love and peace, unwelcome in this world? How much power do we need to shine the light and magic that the Roma community radiates in an oppressive white world?

“We want to give Roma a voice through theater and culture. It is necessary to know and recognize each other, Roma and non-Roma, in order to reconcile our historical cultural differences. We are so many and we are so different. ” (Simonida Selimovic)
Simonida Selimović, theatre director, actress, feminist rapper, and director of E BISTARDE-Internationales Roma-Theater-FestivaL.Born in Serbia (Boljevac), emigrated to Austria with her family as a child; she speaks German, Romanes, Serbian and English. Early on she began her career as an actress in film/television and theatre. She appeared in the children’s series Operation Dunarea, in the film Ciao Cherie by Nina Kusturica, and later at the Schauspielhaus Essen, among other engagements. In the theatre scene in Vienna, she often works together with Tina Leisch and her sister Sandra Selimović. In 2010 she and her sister founded Romano Svato, the first feminist and professional Roma theatre association, as well as Mindj Panther, where Simonida is active as a feminist rapper and activist against racism, and for equality for the Roma.
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0 Kommentare

  1. Sjajna emisija! Great show! We need more Roma voices! Bravo Simonida, great political statements and values! Wish you all the best!


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