Petar Rosandić, Kid Pex, SOS Balkanroute

  • Petar Rosandić, Kid Pex, SOS Balkanroute
59:59 Min.
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They don’t talk much, they do. They do not leave refugees and migrants on the road tortured, to be in an even worse condition, they approach and help, bring food and clothes, they save people when they need it most.

That is why tonight we are talking about the humanitarian organization SOS Balkanroute from Vienna, they help migrants from Asia and Africa who are stopped in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on their way to the European Union (EU).

Tonight we are talking about the combination of music, activism, solidarity, and the willingness to do some important things, not to wait for someone else to do it, tonight we have a rapper with us who, through his music and his actions and lyrics, shows how big the heart is, and that is Petar Rosandić.

Listen to what Petar says: „Everything that happens on the Balkan route will come back to us like a boomerang. Torture, pushbacks, violence against people… Fascism isn’t coming, it’s already here!“

Petar Rosandić, better known by his artist name Kid Pex, was born in 1984 in Zagreb. At the beginning of the war, his family moved to Vienna, the city where he discovered his love for hip-hop and became a famous rapper. He harnessed his love for music to talk about important social problems through several albums and mixtapes, and for the last ten years, he has been extremely active in helping refugees and migrants. He started the organization SOS Balkanroute, which helps migrants who are involuntarily stuck in Bosnia and Herzegovina on their way to the European Union. Last year, he also received the Austrian MigAward in the „Person of the Year“ category.


Thursday 15.12. @Ženergija on @Radio Orange from 7 pm to 8 pm


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