Ollas Communes – Collective Solutions for Individual Problems

Globale Dialoge – Women on Air
  • Ollas Communes
53:56 Min.
News Check Dezember: feministische Nachrichten
55:42 Min.
Art and Activism against gender-based violence
57:26 Min.
About Colonialism, Allyship and Canadian History
07:53 Min.
Der Frauen*status global betrachtet
12:00 Min.
Frühling in den ariden und semiariden Gebieten Kenias
07:37 Min.
Stimmen, die bewegen. Die Bedeutung von ermächtigendem Journalismus
11:09 Min.
Erinnern gegen das Vergessen – 30 Jahre Gedenken an den Genozid an den Tutsi in Ruanda
11:42 Min.
Kommerzielle Leihmutterschaft in Russland und der Ukraine
10:43 Min.
Wir wollen eine Verbündetenschaft!
11:00 Min.
Widerstand im Verborgenen: Die Demokratiebewegung in Belarus

Ollas Comunes can be translated as “Solidarity Kitchens”, but it’s weigh more than just cooking together. How Pilar describes it: “It’s a huge pod so that everybody gets fed.” It’s about taking action in times of crises, about empowerment, and about learning how to self-organize. It’s feminist, it’s resistance, it’s powerful. In Chile it has a long history but started to bloom again in the recent crises connected to the repression during the 2019 revolt and the pandemic. Pilar talks about the beauty and strength of all that.

With: Pilar Mason is a chef and activist from Santiago, Chile who lives and works in Germany

Webtipp: http://chilesolidaritynetwork.com

Musik: Sílvia Tomàs – Ellas y ellos, Sílvia Tomàs – Necessito

Sendungsgestaltung: Hannah Barth is part of the Women on Air since 2021.

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