The need to end cyber violence – an interview with Dr. Eleonora Esposito

No More Violence Against Women – podcast of the WAVE Network
  • end cyber violence_wave yas interview with dr. eleonora esposito
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No More Violence Against Women; the podcast of the WAVE Network.

In this podcast, WAVE voices are amplified to give insight on topics such as sexualised violence, online violence, femicides, violence against women with disabilities, youth activism, important legislation such as the Istanbul Convention, and more to highlight the different forms and dimensions of violence against women and girls.

In this insightful episode, 3rd generation WAVE Youth Ambassadors Ilvana Dedja (Albania) and Lena Östlund (France/Sweden) discuss cyber violence against women and girls as a deepening challenge to gender equality and democracy with Dr. Eleonora Esposito, a Seconded National Expert at the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). Together, they look into the following: lack of data & clear definitions; various forms of online violence such as harassment, stalking & Doxing; intersectionality, as well as policy and recommendations.

Dr. Eleonora Esposito is a Seconded National Expert at the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and a Researcher at the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra (Spain).  A Marie Skłodowska-Curie Alumna (2019-2021), Dr. Esposito has been investigating cyber violence against women in politics as a deepening challenge to gender equality and democracy. At EIGE, she is a Researcher in the Gender-based Violence Unit and the Project Manager of „Cyber violence against women and girls in the EU 27”. This multi-annual project is aimed at conceptually mapping and statistically defining gender-based cyber violence in its different forms, while improving statistical data collection and EU policy effectiveness against it.


created and developed by 3rd generation WAVE Youth Ambassadors Ilvana Dedja (Albania) and Lena Östlund (France/Sweden)

produced and edited by Branislava Arađan, WAVE Youth Ambassador Coordinator & Beverly Mtui, WAVE Communications Coordinator

WAVE Network: WebsiteFacebookTwitter and Instagram

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speaker(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or opinion/position of Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE).

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