30/04/2023 – Bad News #67

Anarchistisches Radio
  • 30/04/2023 Bad News #67
59:02 min
25/08/2024 - Nietzsche und Anarchismus
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18/08/2024 - Fisch-Acker-Besetzung, Zine zum Häuser besetzen & Musik!
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04/08/2024 - Antimilitarism in the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024 – Interviews with Komuna/ GASP, Antipolitika and FAO (Teil 2)
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28/07/24 - Bad News #81 und Ankündigungen
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21/07/2024 - Antimilitarism in the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024 – Interviews with Komuna/ GASP (Grupi Anarko-Sindikalist I Prishtinës, Kosovo), Antipolitika (Greece) and FAO (Federation for Anarchist Organizing, Slovenia/Croatia)
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14/07/2024 – ChatGPT als Hegemonieverstärker Teil 2 & Interview
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07/07/2024 – ChatGPT als Hegemonieverstärker – ein politisches Desaster
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30/06/2024 - Maja nach Ungarn verschleppt & B(A)D News #80
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55:08 min
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Welcome to 67th edition of BAD NEWS, Angry Voices from Around the World, which is a monthly news program produced by international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

This month we have contributions from three radio projects. A-Radio Berlin spoke to a comrade from the anarchist feminist anti-prison alliance, who organizes the annual protest rally in front of the women’s prison in Chemnitz, a small town in Eastern Germany. The focus of the conversation were: hardships of unionizing inside German prisons and the importance of building connections and creating empowering moments together.

The second piece is from Kilavo Seme, a show on Radio Študent Ljubljana, which spoke with an activist from Quelili collective about their interesting and a bit crazy idea to buy a ship which would connect europe and latin america to fight, among other things, for climate justice and against colonization.

Finally The Final Straw Radio is sharing a portion of a new interview with supporters of 4 people facing up to 12 years in US federal prison for alleged after-hours graffiti at a fake abortion clinic near to Miami in the state of Florida in the wake of the Supreme Court removal of the protection of legal right to choose abortion, laws limiting access for trans people to health care and public participation, and other regressive steps across the so-called USA.

This Bad News has been put together by Črna luknja in Ljubljana.

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