VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 23 JUN 2023 | Sutra 3.16 | Sun Solstice

  • VENUSfrequency yogic edition 23 JNU 2023 | Sutra 3.16 | Summer Solstice
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Yoga Sutra Study 3.16

Parinama Traya Samyamad Atitanagata Jnanam

When we bow fully to Oneness, we know past, future, and present

‘Meditation gives knowledge of past and future.’

Sutra 3.16, which is being shone on by the bright sunlight of summer today, reminds us that as we practice in this yogic system of self realization, we develop a more intimate relationship with our Essence, that essence, WHO WE really are beyong the things we own and the stories we and our surroundings make up about ourselves, as well as develop a more intimate relationship with our environment

… we find acceptance and patience towards the timing of change

 we acquire a masterful taste of the past and that which has not happened yet. Excavating the richness of the past, understanding how it has developedand formed the amazing human being we are today and even deeper, celebrating the beauty and pain that has happened, as it thought us about life, ourselfes and deeper wisdom.. it all helps us fully embrace our life story – regardless of how much suffering or love it may have included. Similarly, by understanding the flow of what has made us who we are today, we have an equally deep understanding of how life proceeds forward – including pleasant valleys and rough painful uphills, and a responsibility we hold in terms of accepting the things we cannot change, and acquiring the courage to change the things we can, and developing the wisdom to know the differenc.  

Being present, living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; taking this world as it is and not as I would have it; trusting that You will make all things right if you get to surrender to that yoga & practice of Ishvara pranidhana—surrendering, devoting, dedicating (pranidhana) to a higher, supreme source (Ishvara).  

Yessssss, looking back at Yoga Sutra 1.23. Ishvara pranidhana is a “big picture” yoga practice discussed quite a while back It initiates a sacred shift of perspective that helps us to remember, align with, and receive the grace of being alive. 
And then, there is the energy of Sun & Summer Solstice in the air, which is yang, expansive, and outward looking. During this busy period of rampant growth it is important to stay centred and grounded.  
So, yes, lets stay centered and grounded together and just like every year for this auspicious time, lets Channel the transformative qualities of the summer solstice with this
this carefully curated playlist of world contemporary tunes filled with and inspired by Summer, Sun, fun, SunRises and SunSets…  by these fiery, exuberant, bright, passionate guardians of all things sound, poetry and melody…  


Canva Sutra 3.16
1080 x 1080px

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