23/07/2023 – Prisoner Support (Dan Baker, Mongoose Distro, Pushing Down The Walls)

Anarchistisches Radio
  • 23/07/2023 - Prisoner Support (Dan Baker, Mongoose Distro, Pushing Down the Walls)
59:02 min
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Wir haben wieder mal eine Sendung des großartigen The Final Straw Radio Podcasts übernehmen, diesmal zum Thema Gefangenenunterstützung vom 02.07.2023. Die gesamte Sendung ist auf Englisch.

Hier die Originalankündigung:

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking with supporters of incarcerated anarchist and antifascist, Dan Baker about the case and the support fundraiser.

In the conversation, Dan’s friend Eric and Dan’s partner Pinky are joined by the main person behind Mongoose distro talks about publishing radical prisoner while 2 members of Orange County Anarchist Black Cross (Big Cartel shop) talk about the ABC Federation War Chest, the upcoming Pushing Down The Walls burpee challenge and the efforts of indigenous anarchist prisoner Oso Blanco to support indigenous children’s education and the book of poetry and short fiction he recently co-authored entitled The Blue Agave Revolution: Poetry of the Blind Rebel.

**Just a headsup, after the interview took place, Daniel Baker started using they/them pronouns, so during this conversation we’re using the incorrect pronouns.**

By the time you hear this interview, we’re hoping Dan will have been released from prison. Dan has sorted out housing for their release into Florida but you can help with getting him on their feet by donating at Fundraizr.com/DanBaker2023
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