VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 17 NOV 2023 | Sutra 3.32 | Kurma | Kartik

  • VENUSfrequency yogic edition 17 NOV 2023 | Sutra 3.32 | Kurma | Kartik
59:59 Min.
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59:21 Min.
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What you think you become.

What you feel, you attract.

What you imagine, you create.

#ancient wisdom teachings….

There are a variety of interpretations of sutra 3.32, rising from differences of opinion of exactly what the kurma nadi is and what mediation on this point leads to.  Without discussing these, it is safe to say one thing: if anyone tells you that they have the exclusive, the right and only interpretation, you should probably approach with caution! Sais Chad Haliburton in regards to today’s yoga sutra study, and

SWAMI VIVEKANANDA translates that meditation on and practicing in awareness of the the nerve called Kurma (comes) the body is not disturbed.

And as I attended an amazing concert by Ludovico Einaudi yesterday here at Vienna’s Konzerthaus yesterday evening, there is a bit of Ludovico sentiment sprinkled all throughout this show. and a bit of KARTIK It is believed that this is the most favourite month of Lord. It is believed that this month is useful for the people who are into spiritual activities, we can do all kinds of meditations and offerings to activate Chakras PRANA which is useful to maintain a balanced life style.

LIFE IS LIKE A PIANO, the white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness. But as you go through life’s journey remember that the black keys also make music. #unknown 

So lets journey to this carefully curated playlist of worldcontemporary tunes together, provided by these chosen once for this weeks yogic playlist, one of my many weekly gifts from me to you, dearest tribe.


VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.

broadcasting frequencies and supporting energy waves that vibrate bright, lucid and clear, that nourish the powerful feminine aspects of all things creation

Bringing forth faith, hope, love, healing and the feminine, and with that not meaning gender, but the feminine principle that is living—or suppressed—in all of us men or women.”

because the power to either destroy, divide & suppress or to heal, unite, awaken, co-create & nourish, lie in our own hearts, visions & responsibilities.

May we continue to Yoga together!


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