Unusual Interfaces: OINC & Jens Vetter

d_sign week
  • S1_OINC_Vetter
1 hod. 00 sek.
Political Collective: Soybot & Juan Linares
1 hod. 00 sek.
Present Scenarios: Federico Poni & Florian Reiche
1 hod. 00 sek.
Exploration into the Open: Visual Communication MA
59:50 min.
Feminist ecologies of self-publishing: La_bekka & tumbalacasa ediciones

In conversation with Sara Mlakar and Toma Pilein about „OINC“ (Odd Interaction Concepts), and Jens Vetter on the project „Tangible Signals“. On interface design research, HCI (Human Computer Interaction), accessibility and design thinking outside conventions.

OINC (Odd Interaction Concepts)
Sara and Thomas, are artists and researchers within the field of HCI. They are curious about technology and its design. They do this through workshops, presentations, and through their research and art practice.

Jens Vetter
Jens Vetter is a media artist, musician and performer. He loves developing musical interface objects and playing concerts, questioning-utilising technology and improving his amateur programming skills. He works as a PhD candidate and lecturer at the Tangible Music Lab at the University of Art and Design Linz. https://jensvetter.de/ https://welle.live/ https://tamlab.kunstuni-linz.at/projects/tangible-signals/

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