Standard Time podcast S1E16: Lost in machine translation

Standard Time talk show
  • STANDARD-TIME--S01E16-LANGUAGE-final-20240321-(H264-1080-25mbps-2ch-3dBFS)_1
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Are robots replacing us? For translators, this prospect is quite realistic. Though machine translation can be useful with simple and direct text, it still has a lot to catch up on to eliminate language barriers and understand subtle meanings. Let alone irony!

We’re having this important conversation with:

Gian-Paolo Accardo, an Italian-Dutch journalist. He is the executive editor of VoxEurop, co-founder and CEO of the VoxEurop European Co-operative Society, and editorial coordinator at the European Data Journalism Network

Alexander Baratsits, the founding president of the Cultural Broadcasting Archive,  which offers the content of 28 radio stations in 50 languages. He is also a legal lead at Creative Commons Austria and editor of the book “Building a European Digital Public Space, offering Strategies for taking back control from Big Tech platforms“

Frances Pinter, an Open Access (OA) advocate and the first woman to establish her own publishing company in the UK. She is the founder of Knowledge Unlatched, the Open Climate Campaign, and the Supporting Ukrainian Publishing Resilience and Recovery Organization (SUPRR).

#translation #languages #linguafranca #duolingo #publishingacrosslanguages #Europe #publishing #multilingualism.

You can watch the video on YouTube:
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