VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 14 JUN 2024 | Sutra 4.2 | Shakti

  • VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 14 JUN 2024 | Sutra 4.2 | Shakti
1 órák 00 mp.
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There is a well-known story of a Seeker who travels far to learn from a respected Teacher.  Upon arrival at the Teacher’s doorstep, this Seeker is invited to enjoy a cup of tea.  The Teacher begins to fill the Seeker’s cup, but when full, continues pouring, and the tea streams out onto the table.  The Seeker says, “Teacher, stop, my cup is already full!”  In reply, the Teacher answers, “Yes, it is full and can hold no more.  When your cup is empty, return to me and I will fill it with true knowledge.”
          The message of this story is clear: if we wish to be filled with a renewal of life, we must first empty ourselves of our old life’s habits.  Patanjali says the same thing in SUTRA 4.2.
Our lives will overflow, either with Otherness or with Oneness.  The difference is that the spilling of Otherness stains the table on which our cup rests and increases our sense of separation, while the upwelling of Oneness is a cleansing flow, freshening all with which in come in contact.
Shakti’s flow is within and all around us. The more we open to it, the more it moves through our lives.
The core practice of our yoga is surrendering all resistance to the creative current so it can come through us. The grace that pours in carries us into a new state of being
On that note, diving into sutra 4.2 today…
And some SHAKTI
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