Let’s create some wastepiration♻️

Radio Tipping Point
  • Tipping Point Discussion – 2024 09 23 14 28 CEST – Recording
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This rendition of Tipping Point focuses on sustainability, waste management, and circular economy practices. The show features an insightful conversation between Michael Boyle and Rabia Betül Gürel Mohebali, who delve into the idea that there is no such thing as waste—everything has a purpose. Rabia draws on personal experiences and cultural influences to explain her philosophy that waste can be a resource and offers examples from indigenous cultures and family traditions. The discussion covers various aspects of waste management, including composting, resource management, and product development, emphasizing the importance of putting everything in its rightful place to unlock the potential of waste. Rabia also highlights the broader role of community engagement in sustainability, urging companies to consider the entire supply chain and their responsibilities towards sustainable practices. Through compelling stories and analogies, the show aims to shift mindsets about waste, innovation, and the role of individuals and companies in creating a circular economy.

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