VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 04 OCT 2024 | Sutra 4.13 | Prakriti | Navaratri

  • VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 04 OCT 2024 | Sutra 4.13 | Prakriti | Navaratri
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VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 27 SEPT 2024 | Sutra 4.12 | past present future
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VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 20 SEPT 2024 | Sutra 4.11 | somatic awareness
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VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 13 SEP 2024 | Sutra 4.10 | that will to live & LOVE
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VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 06 SEPT 2024 | Sutra 4.9 | karma & trauma
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SUTRA 4.12 last episode was like –
Arranging your photo album: Imagine having a box filled with photographs from a small community or an extended family, along with pictures of various places. If you were to compile these into a photo album with written captions, the way you arrange the photos and choose your words would shape your perception of both the past and the future. This process is like the mind organizing its memories and forming its expectations for what’s to come. But, to truly experience the deeper reality of the Self or center of consciousness, it means stepping away from this mental photo album creation altogether.
…Now, let’s turn to Sutra 4.13. It’s like when you realize that all those photos, whether old or new, are made of the same ink, composed of just three primary colors. In the same way, Patanjali reminds us that no matter how different our experiences may seem—whether subtle or obvious—they all stem from the same basic elements, the three gunas: sattva, rajas, and tamas.
Just like these gunas shape our inner world, the nine nights of Navaratri celebrate the dynamic forces that shape our outer world too. Each night represents a journey through different energies and aspects of the divine, inviting us to realign ourselves, just as we do when we look at the colors in a photo and see the common thread that connects them all. With that, let’s explore the magic of this sutra and see how it connects with the festival of Navaratri!”
“So, let’s dive into this week’s playlist—a collection of carefully curated world contemporary tunes that speak to the heart and soul of timeless connection.
Some songs will invites us to transcend the boundaries of time, reminding us of the beauty in the present moment and the ties that unite us all. With heartfelt melodies and inspiring lyrics, these tracks resonate with the essence of our shared journey.
“‘Akaal’—a song by Ajeet and Trevor Hall—reminds us that true presence exists beyond the constraints of time, connecting us to the timeless essence of our being. The word itself, ‘Akaal,’ means ‘deathless’ or ‘eternal,’ inviting us to transcend the past and future and embrace the present as an eternal moment.
And then there’s Lorde’s ‘Team,’ a tribute to unity, loyalty, and finding our place amongst those who see and cherish us just as we are, in this moment. It’s a reminder to celebrate the here and now with the ones who make our lives truly meaningful.
Enjoy the ride!”
“And as always, feel free to visit me at—send me a message, join the TRIBE, share a song, some wisdom, inspiration, or your favorite book recommendations! You can also connect with VENUSfrequency on Facebook and Instagram.
And for those who’ve asked about the music, it’s easy—just follow me on Spotify under ‘annemarie VE-NUSfrequency’ to find these carefully curated playlists of world-contemporary tunes, the soundtracks of our shared present moment. These playlists are a small weekly gift from me to you—creating a space for us to hang out, keep each other company, and lift each other’s spirits in true VENUSfrequency fashion.
Let’s continue to show up for oneANother, to share ourselves through Seva (selfless service), and to be the light that shines through us. We are each other’s medicine, timeless and eternal, #raisingvibrations, #healingtogether, …. whispering beautiful, poetic things into the universe.”


canva sutra 4.13
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