Walk a Mile in My Shoes

Radio Tipping Point
  • 2024_11_05_Walk_a_Mile_in_my_Shoes
57:00 Min.
From Forcibly Displaced Elements to Displaced People
56:53 Min.
Let's create some wastepiration♻️
56:59 Min.
From Language to Permaculture: A Journey of Ecological Reconnection
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Pro Wilhelminenberg 2030
56:40 Min.
️ Tipping Point: Bürgerinitiative Naschmarkt ️
56:51 Min.
️ Die Energy Family Revolution ⚡
56:48 Min.
Degrowth with Sarah Ware
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Demokratie und Bürger weiter gedacht ️
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Ankommen - in Würde

This podcast features Syrian refugees sharing their deeply personal and harrowing experiences of escaping the Syrian conflict and rebuilding their lives in Austria. One speaker begins by reflecting on how a once stable and fulfilling life as a physical education teacher and national handball player was shattered by the outbreak of war in Syria. They recount the destruction of their family’s home, multiple displacements, and the rise of extremist groups.

Another speaker vividly describes their dangerous journey across borders, from enduring bombings and personal threats in Syria to the brutal treatment faced while trying to cross into Turkey and Europe. Despite these hardships, they managed to seek asylum in Austria. They emphasize that Syrian refugees are not fleeing for economic reasons but for safety from the violence and instability back home.

Throughout the podcast, the speakers reflect on the psychological toll that war and displacement have taken on them and their families. They express a desire to rebuild their lives, integrate into Austrian society, and ensure a better future for their children. The speakers call on listeners to empathize with refugees and understand the real meaning behind asylum, urging against dehumanizing or generalizing their experiences.

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