About Colonialism, Allyship and Canadian History

Globale Dialoge – Women on Air
  • Women on Air Facing Colonialism and Canadian History
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In this Episode we are going to explore some parts of colonialist history as well as the present-day fight against it. We are going to talk about Canadian History, residential schools and present-day politics, as well as resistance against maintained inequality and extractivism. Evenmore, we are going to question the term “allyship” and its risks. But also The idea that environmental research has to “make room&move over”.

We are going to listen to:

Jackie Hookimaw-Witt, a canadian scholar and activist and member of the Attawapiskat First Nation (Cree) in Ontario,  is going to tell us more about the history and current situation of this part of colonial history, as well as her research about residential schools and environmental projects led by indigenous peoples.

And Blue, who is also active in different justice movements and is doing an exchange semester in Vancouver at the moment and is telling us about their thoughts and experiences as white, privileged person from Europe in Canada.

Sendungsgestaltung: Rosa Minawie


Norbert Witt and Jackie Hookimaw-Witt – Canada
Oh Prey Tell – Come in

Fotocredit: Blue

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