Interview mit dem Wirtschaftswissenschafter Manfred Max-Neef über die Grenzen des Wachstums und den Unterschied zwischen einem qualitativen und einem quantitativen Wachstum. Manfred Max-Neef ist Mitglied des Club of Rome und wurde auch mit dem Right Livelihood Award, dem alternativen Nobelpreis ausgezeichnet. Bekannt wurde er als Begründer der Barfuss-Ökonomie, die sich an den Bedürfnissen der Armutsbevölkerung orientiert. Das Interview führte Georg Wimmer.
Manfred Max-Neef und die Barfuss-Ökonomie
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Manfred Max-Neef und die Barfuss-Ökonomie
Владелец мультимедиа
09. января 2008
09. января 2008
Alex Naringbauer, Anita Hammer, Astrid Hickmann, Carla Stenitzer, Georg Karl, Georg Wimmer (Leitung), Romana Stücklschweiger
manfred max-neef on B2
subject: manfred max-neef
Hallo Mr. Mex-Neef
your interview in B»-Talk 2 weeks ago have been a major highlight, concerning our present culture in education and business and I hope, a lot of people will listen and understand and accept this message and its consequences. I passed an mp3 on to all of my friends and all of them have been impressed.
But there is one drawback, I have to mention: you try to solve or tackle the problem bottom-up! This seems to be the only way presently to get something done, because our cultural problem is caused by people, perculating up under control of controllers, technocrats and autists, pushing out all non-technocrats, leaving only autistic robots in management positions, eventually «bottom-up» will fail. Cultural changes will require top-down action and the presently ruling management culture prevents exactly that!
In my past I had several chance to live through and participate successfully in cultural changes, from technocracy to people orientation. The first one was with IBM, where we had such a culture, did not understand its value, just lived it, in the 60’s (later they perverted to technocracy, too, until Garstner tried to bring them back 1994). Later, inn Honewell EDP (end of the 60’s) this company had been converted from a wild pioneering company to a people oriented culture, top-down (Minneapolis to world-wide), into an extraordinary and successful company, consistently, consciously. When people remember those days, they get shiny eyes!
Based on this experience, I had the chance to apply this experience in several companies thereafter. People management as requested by you in your interview.
Since about 30 years now, I am a business consultant and have to experience, that bottom-up strategies always(!) fail! And I have to experience, that our culture is perverting into technocracy and autism at an increasing speed. There have never been so many frustrated and de-motivated people in the past as today. We live off our momentum from yesterday.
An interesting quote from a blog of (Mai):
Das Meinungsforschungsinstitut IFAK hatte sein alljährliches Arbeitsklima — Barometer veröffentlicht: Was es alles gibt!
Das Ergebnis: 88 Prozent der befragten 2.000 Arbeitnehmer bezeichnen sich selbst als nicht engagiert. Noch schlimmer: Das sind sogar noch drei Prozentpunkte mehr als im Vorjahr! Und der Hammer: 24 Prozent sagen, sie hätten innerlich gekündigt — 2 Prozentpunkte mehr als im Vorjahr.
So I agree, if we do not change course back to a humane and people oriented culture, and there is no indication that we would, your predictions will become true. This is scaring me! I am 74 now and hope to continue for some more years, but this requires, that our world/Germany follow your views, or an economical collapse will damage my financials and that scares me! «Barfuss-Ökonomie» will not stop those Autists on top to kill all of it!
How can I help you to get your message across, faster, efficiently?