24.11.2021 - Gea and helga maria talking about the feeling of being alone and the new coming lockdown.
24.11.2021 - Heltga Maria with her stories and gea with chosen music.
10.11.2021 - Show collaboration between Helga Maria from her kitchen studio with Gea in live studio at Radio Helsinki, sharing music together, telling storis from life and Helga Maria explaining the traditiong of lantens on 11.11.
08.11.2021 - Viktoria and Erna visited the Migrant Camp Hadžići-Ušivak near Sarajevo as part of a Seminar organised by the EU project “Snapshots from the borders”. ”
03.11.2021 - Celebrating the rich cultures of languages in Europe and beyond. Today we present our visit at the Sprachenfest 2021 which took place at the 24th of September in Graz.
09.10.2021 - On 10th of September Gea and Saif from Snapshots from the borders team joined book launch 'Border Crossing Spielfeld: Grenzerfahrungen | Borderline Experiences' happening in Pavelhaus in Bad Radkersburg.
18.06.2021 - Our team packed recording equipment and spent afternoons in the last weeks at Marienplatz recording discussions, lectures, music, vivid spirit of the surrounding area.
16.06.2021 - Public debate about role of art and artists in society that was happening on 2nd of June at Marienplatz as part of program "The School of the We" organised by . Warmly invited to listen to the debate in Snapshots from the borders show.
01.06.2021 - Project "Podcast for future: on tour!" is about creating podcast episodes together with other young people from all over Austria, which will be broadcast on the radio.
16.09.2020 - Gea Gračner talking to Knut Aufermann and Sarah Washington who established Mobile Radio - A radio that is seeking out new forms of radio by taking radio production out of the studio environment.