24.09.2024 - Panel intervention with art and cultural workers in Vienna featuring Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, Munira Muhamud and Vina Yun. Moderated by Marissa Lôbo (DE)Recorded at Volkskundemuseum on 19th of September as part of “MAIZ 30 JAHRE...
19.09.2024 - Amina El-Gamal | ZARA - Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit
19.09.2024 - Jelena Micić | WIENWOCHE
19.09.2024 - Ekaterina Schalmann | WIR* gegen rechts
19.09.2024 - Christina Reszner | StoP – Stadtteile ohne Partnergewalt
19.09.2024 - Marie Hirmke | Kollektiv radix
19.09.2024 - Maddi Latimer | AuPair Repair
16.09.2024 - WIENWOCHE 2024 | The Non-Citizen Movement Live broadcast from Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz Representation organized around traditional forms of employment does not correspond to the contemporary forms of contracting. While the struggle for...
12.09.2024 - Bildungs- und Demokratiepolitik in den Wahlprogrammen der Parteien