Organize! Grassroot unionizing in Vienna

  • Wienwoche Übertragung 14.09.2024
28:03 Min.
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Memorandum of (Mis)understandings - Filipinx health workers in Austria

WIENWOCHE 2024 | The Non-Citizen Movement

Live broadcast from Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz

Representation organized around traditional forms of employment does not correspond to the contemporary forms of contracting. While the struggle for collective rights is still ongoing, working people are forced to become self-employed or work under even more precarious conditions. The grassroot unionizing bridges the established status quo and the real needs of the working people in order to provide a perspective for future structural changes. WIENWOCHE supports unionizing efforts of migrant au-pairs, prisoners and platform workers in Austria and provides a stage for exchange with Viennese and international initiatives.

Chris Smalls, Amazon Labor Union and T.C.O.E.W., NY Staten Island

Panel discussion with:
Sheri Avraham, IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna Working Union
Madelaine Engstler, Former captain and rider organizer
Nino Heimerl, System Change not Climate Change
Maddi Latimer, AuPair Repair
Sónia Melo, Sezonieri
Stephan Vesco, Union für die Rechte von Gefangenen

Monika Mokre, political scientist

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