26.01.2018 - In the 3rd episode of FEM*POEM Alex Zorn (a writer and musician), Raphaela Salhofer (a writer and filmmaker) and Romina Sylvia Achatz are presenting Poetry. After the poems of Alex Zorn and Raphaela Salhofer Romina Achatz is interviewing them...
15.01.2018 - Excerpt of the 3rd Edition of FEM*POEM with english poems written by Alex Zorn (read by J. Black), Raphaela Salhofer and Romina Achatz (read by J. Black). Weitere Informationen: Fem*Poem
29.12.2017 - Ausschnitt aus der 2. Sendung von FEM*POEM Zu hören sind das PhilosophInnenkollektiv PHILOMATION (PhilosophInnen und FilmemacherInnen Evi Jägle und Christoph Müller) im Gespräch mit Romina Achatz. Evi Jägle und Christoph Müller haben sich in...
29.12.2017 - In der 2. Sendung vom FEM*POEM sind das PhilosophInnenkollektiv PHILOMATION (PhilosophInnen und FilmemacherInnen Evi Jägle und Christoph Müller) im Gespräch mit Romina Achatz. Evi Jägle und Christoph Müller haben sich in der Philosophie...
01.12.2017 - This is the first edition of FEM*POEM, a radio-show to unfold the power of words. To the first edition of FEM*POEM Romina Achatz invited Josseline Black (US)- a Writer, Artist, Anthropologist, practicing and interdisciplinary Choreographer,...
01.12.2017 - In this short excerpt of the first edition of FEM*POEM, Romina Achatz and Josseline Black are in a playful literary conversation about the politics of the bodies and love. Josseline Black (US) is a writer, artist, anthropologist, practicing...
28.09.2017 - Romina Achatz is in conversation with Daniel Leithinger from the Tangible Media Group, an interdisciplinary research facility at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Media Lab in Cambridge, USA. He gives an inside into the work of...
13.09.2017 - Ars Electronica created the initiative „European Digital Art and Science Network“ to enable artists to participate in residencies at research institutes to connect science with digital art approaches. In the second edition of ARS Radio we are...
04.09.2017 - Jerneja Zavec and Romina Achatz in conversation with Aoife van Linden Tol, the recipient of the first ESA–Ars Electronica residency, who will present a spectacular explosive performance called STARSTORM at Ars Electronica Festival 2017....
06.10.2016 - Romina Achatz ist im Rahmen des «Feminismus und Krawall Festivals» im Gespräch mit Cesy Leonard- der Chefin des Planungsstabs des Zentrums für Politische Schönheit. «Flüchtlinge fressen» ist die jüngste Aktion des Zentrums für...