26.04.2024 - Nach einer etwas längeren Pause heißt es endlich wieder RON ON AIR. Manches hat sich geändert, manches ist gleich geblieben – zum Beispiel der Fokus auf traumhaft schöne Musik aus den verschiedensten Musikbereichen, welche der...
19.03.2018 - Die aktuelle Ausgabe von Ron on Air widmet sich der letzten Azoren Reise. Mystische Landschaften und ein tiefenentspanntes Inselleben haben dieses Dj Set inspiriert.
13.12.2017 -
08.11.2017 - nepal is one of the most exciting places on this planet … travellers from all across the world are flashed by dramatic nature sights and super friendly local people … the country that is situated in between china and india is even...
26.09.2017 - Autumn is coming – ron is stunnig. The excellent music for a relaxed evening with a cup of tee, a great book, candle light and your sunshine next to you 😉 Enjoy the show! Cheers!
26.09.2017 -
08.09.2017 - In this episode of sound.innovations the beats are especially selected to create a stunning atmosphere for the grand finale fot he year. It´s getting a little bit colder outside and people start to get prepared fort he winter season – here are...
11.08.2017 - This show is all about legendary loops and samples – the concept of this mix is based on the fact that striking bits and pieces of classic tracks posses the power to represent the basic tool of completely new vibes – enjoy the music!
13.07.2017 - well, the summer is without any doubt a great period of the year – but what is the summer without the right sound tunes … the supreme chill machine mix is dedicated to all the dancers out there who needs some slow beat tracks too in...
20.06.2017 -