28.07.2016 - Episode 10 of „Volunteer Stories” features interviews with four volunteers who performed in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The first interview is with Denis – a musician who was a...
10.07.2016 - Episode 9 of Volunteer Stories features Arun who has volunteered as a sports coach in India. Arun taught children hockey, football and life skills such as problem solving and conflict resolution. Currently Arun is volunteering with disabled people...
06.07.2016 - Campustalk Spezial zum Thema Roaming Im Studio zu Gast ist Konsumentenschutz-Experte Michael Dunkl von der AKNÖ. Gemeinsam mit Programmchef Simon Olipitz spricht er über das Thema „Roaming” und alles was man über das Telefonieren...
30.06.2016 - Episode 8 of Volunteer Stories features St. Pölten Skate Association. Founded by Markus Fanninger in 2011, St. Pölten Skate Association works for the benefit of local skateboarders and the skateboarding scene. Its three main pillars are working...
09.06.2016 - Episode 6 sees host Lettice interview guests Maggy and Markus about their experiences volunteering with animals in the UK, Ireland and New Zealand. In 2015 Maggy volunteered in the UK for 4.5 months and Ireland for 4 months. During that time she...
09.06.2016 - George and Lettice, from Jugend:info NÖ, present a one-off feature about World No Tobacco Day. In addition to telling you what the day is, they will also tell you how St. Pölten celebrated, the advantages of quitting tobacco, and tips on how to...
09.06.2016 - Von Ende April bis Anfang Mai fand auch 2016 wieder das donaufestival in Krems statt. In einer Spezialsendung der CR101 mit Sabine und Angelika wurde über das Festival berichtet. Dabei gab es unter Anderem Interviews mit der Kunstinspektion Donau...
31.05.2016 - Zu Gast im Campus & City Radio 94.4 ist die 3b der NMS Böheimkirchen. 4 Burschen und 18 Mädchen teilen selbst erarbeitete Informationen zu den Themen Videospiele, Fußball, Jugendsprache, Tiere, usw.
26.05.2016 - Episode 5 of „Volunteer Stories” sees host Lettice interview guest Funto about his experience volunteering on two International Citizenship Service (ICS) projects in Nigeria. During the interview Lettice and Funto will discuss what it is like...
19.05.2016 - Europa befindet sich in einem tiefgreifenden Umbruch. Viele aus Kriegsund Krisengebieten in Syrien und anderen Ländern des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens geflüchtete Menschen haben in Österreich und in St. Pölten Aufnahme gefunden, viele sind...