Introduction — Researching Community Media Audiences (Thematic stream: «Researching Community Media Audiences») Abstract: ‘Developing Dialogues’, the latest work by Australian scholars Susan Forde, Kerrie Foxwell and...
Panel 2: Tensions in Reconciling Quality and Participation From Storytelling to Participation — some notes on Radio Robin Hood’s practices Abstract: The existence of community radio is depending on the participation of people. To get...
Managing Quality in UK Community Radio (a contribution to the Democracy and Quality thematic stream) Using examples, this presentation with argue that the delivery of high quality Community Radio services requires more than a simple focus on the...
Community Radios in Brazil: clientelism, citizenship, quality, and democratization Abstract: Community-oriented radio stations are important for democracy. They are in the forefront of movements to democratize the access to mass media, as tools...
Community Media and the Production of Public Value The necessity of making Civil Society part of Media production Abstract: Integrating Civil Society in Media production seems central to a new Media policy paradigm, which emerges through the shift...
Media Literacy – Contribution of Irish Community Radios Abstract: Media literacy is an ambiguous term, not just for ordinary people, but also for those who work in media or are involved in the regulation or legislation of media. The same notion...
Opening Lecture 1: No-nonsense concept of Public Value
Internet and mobile media give new opportunities for religious minorities activity in Russia, especially when religious freedom is more and more restricted and the access to traditional media is more and more limited. The activity of religious...
Inclusion of technical innovations into information and communication activity leads to the formation of active group of youngsters in modern Russia. In the first place it reflects on media use. Research data demonstrate the adherence to...
Participatory culture describes a culture where people act as active contributors and producers of media and cultural productions. The term has often been described in relation to Web 2.0, social networking and new media technology. Henry Jenkins...