Civilmedia 08 – „Cultures – Participaton – Dialogue»: The Civilmedia is an annual international UnConference, organised by Radiofabrik Salzburg in co-operation with VFRÖ. This year it took place at the end of the «European Year...
Die Radiofabrik organisierte im November die Tagung Tagung «Civilmedia 07 «. Die UnConference: Participation 2.0 thematisierte bereits in ihrer Struktur den Inhalt: Medien als offenes und partizipatives Konzept. Gestaltung der Sendung:...
Participants: Helmut Peissl (CMFE), Nadia Bellardi (CMFE/AMARC), Christer Hederström (CMFE), Otto Tremetzberger (Freier Rundfunk Freistadt) Moderation: Thomas Kreiseder
On the panel: Peter Pilz — (First(?) Austrian politician to start a weblog, Member of Parliament, Die Grünen) Nico Carpentier — (Media Scientist, Brussels) Michaela Mojzis — (Austrian blogging politician, CEO of the Austrian...
Ursula Maier-Rabler from the ICT&S-Center (University of Salzburg) presents the outcomes of the e-participation study.