a HERSTORY on Laurie Spiegel and Music from Electro to House Laurie Spiegel is an American composer and female pioneer of the New York New Music Scene. She withdrew from this scene in the early 1980s, believing that its focus had shifted from...
Herstory zu Kaffe Mathews und Musik von Minimal bis Dubstep Kaffe Matthews (*1961 Essex/ England) lebt und arbeitet zur Zeit in London und beschäftigt sich vor allem mit elektronischer Live- Improvisation, Live-Komposition und Live-Performances....
female:pressure radio Vienna is celebrating the 100th anniversary of The International Women’s Day with >>> a Soundcollage compiled of quotes, statements, poems and music from various female artists and musicians >>> and a...
>>> a HERSTORY on Carla Scaletti Carla Scaletti is a composer, harpist and computer scientist, basend in Champaign, Illinios. Since 1986 she has been designing and developing KYMA a graphical sound design language. In 1988 she founded...
>>> a HERSTORY on Susanne Brokesch aka Sil Electronics /DJ Sil Austrian DJ in the early 1990 Techno and House Scene and later on Producer of Ambient / Experimental Music http://www.brokesch.com >>> an INTERVIEW with and music by...
Herstory: ein Portrait zu Delia Derbyshire Zu Gast im Studio Lale Rodgarkia-Dara von der electronic teatime http://speis.net/ Lale Rodgarkia-Dara geboren 1976 in Wien und werkt als Medieninstallateurin und Autorin ebenda. Sie betreibt die...
Zusammensschnitt einer Podiumsdisukssion vom 28.3. 2008 im Stadtkeller in Linz zum Thema Frauen/Gender-Mainstreaming im Musikbussines mit Doris Prlic (Doris Disaster, Feedbackanddisaster.net), Chtistina Nemec (Chra, SV damenkraft, Mopedrock, etc....