Wieder habe ich einen Freund von mir, diesmal Michael Marinitsch, zu Jester’s Soundtracks eingeladen um seine Lieblings-Soundtracks zu präsentieren. Man kann sich freuen auf Herr der Ringe, Fluch der Karibik, Gothic 3, Skyrim, Star Wars,...
Christian Hirschmann, a friend of mine, made a list of his favorite Soundtracks, consisting of Game Soundtracks and a couple of movie Soundtracks. Chris offered me to be a regular guest of my show, so I’m looking forward to have him again as...
I went through Graz, met people and asked them questions. The result = The favorite Soundtracks of the citizens of Graz.
Interviews with random people = random Soundtracks. Plus the rest of the 80s TV Series Themes from my last show.
The 80s. I’m a big fan of the 80s. And this edition of Jester’s Soundtrack has a lot of potential to awake more or less nostalgia in everyone of us who grew up with TV series of the 80s. Just to give you a little taste: The Wonder...
This time I’ve asked random people (like on busses and in a movie theater) and my friends to present their favorite Soundtracks on my show, Jester’s Soundtracks. The result is a really cool, wild mix. You can rock, swing, relax, bang...
Das erste mal wurde im März 2015 das Button Festival vom Spieleverein Ludovico (Karmeliterplatz 2) in der Seifenfabrik in Graz veranstaltet. In dieser Ausgabe von Jester’s Soundtracks gibt’s Interviews mit den Veranstaltern und...
The KIZ Royal English Cinema Crew, among them the Boss-Man, Nikos Grigoriadis, represent the complete KIZ Crew and their favorite Soundtracks. The KizRoyalKino is the only English Cinema in Graz, Conrad von Hötzendorfstraße 10 >>>...
A friend of mine, Michael Ambroschütz, presents his favorite Soundtracks. Michaels Soundtrack List: #1: Inofficial Pirates Of The Carribean Soundtrack > Album: Rogue’s Gallery – Three Pruned Men – Bully in the Alley #2:...
Two lovely young ladies from the Pennyless Players, a grazer english theater group, help me to get through my first episode of Jester’s Soundtracks … and it was glorious. Ida and Lisa, thank you so much, you were brilliant and brought...