Millions of patients the world over have surgery every year. Until now, heart function is almost always tested before surgery in patients 50 years of age or older. However, cardiovascular assessment before surgery was developed further, and the...
Millions of elderly patients have to take warfarin or phenprocoumon, generally known in German speaking countries as Marcumar. DOACs (direct oral anticoagulants) are an alternative to warfarin or phenprocoumon. DOACs are very new. Do they cause...
Millions of patients have chronic orthopaedic pain. Pain that has not been caused by an accident. Chronic knee pain, chronic back pain or chronic back pain that radiates into the arm, buttocks or legs. Elderly often suffer from chronic orthopaedic...
Hospice care significantly benefitted patients at the end of their life. And inpatient or outpatient hospice care was preferred by the patients, compared with usual care. There also is a general discussion what hospice care is. And a very good...
Preventing heart attacks and strokes largely is, I am afraid to say, up to you. In addition, there are things that your doctors can do for you. Are all of the recommendations valuable? Yes, they are, but one of them is controversial at the moment....
The best-known guideline for high blood pressure (hypertension) has been updated. The update is controversial. Every recommendation in this new guideline is exactly how doctors expected them, except one. The unexpected recommendation is: “Treat...
Do contrast CTs really harm the kidney, or not? A new study shows: radiocontrast materials probably play no role in the development of kidney injury after CT scans with contrast. Because CT scans with contrast can be important for some patients...
Worldwide, colorectal cancer is the third commonest cancer in men and the second commonest cancer in women. Screening, starting with 50 years of age, would prevent 90% of all colorectal cancers. Colonoscopy is the best screening instrument. Since...
HEPATITIS C, NEW AND VERY SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT: About 3% of the world’s population is affected with hepatitis C. Most patients with hepatitis C have no symptoms, but there is a blood test. If left untreated, patients with hepatitis C can develop...
E-cigarettes: Are they safe? Do they help to quit real cigarettes? Or do they lure children to take up smoking? There are new studies from 2013. Unfortunately, even with the new data, we cannot draw firm conclusions. We need more independent...
“How to Lose Weight”: With knowledge, it is easier to lose weight. 1) You have normal weight, and you wish to lose two kilos, permanently. There is a great way to do this. 2) You are overweight, and you wish to lose 15 kilos, no yo-yo....
Healthy Diet: a) what is healthy diet? b) what should you think of “hip” diets? c) what is unhealthy diet? d) newer research: what does it say? e) the important clinical trial from 2013: what does it say? (Complete text enclosed).
a) What you can do against your high blood pressure. b) New, important clinical trials about the treatment of high blood pressure. (Text enclosed).
How to battle dangerous infections in intensive care units: Researchers investigated new alternatives to current protocols regarding dangerous infections (like MRSA) in intensive care units, but firm conclusions couldn’t be drawn. The results...