“Africans are capable of looking after themselves.” “Africans are capable of looking after themselves,” says AU ambassador to US Arikana Chihombori-Quao Vienna (27.07.2017) – While criticism from Italy continued since last...
Europe – Terror As Usual Vienna, 22/08/2017 – After the Barcelona and Cambrils attacks last week the question is raised, will that ever going to stop? Prof. Louise Richardson one of the world’s leading experts on terrorism would...
Kenya Supreme Court decided to cancel result of the Presidential election: A joke without joking. Last week, Supreme court of Kenya decided to invalidate the result of presidential election. According to those results, Uhuru Kenyatta the...
Italy vs. Austria Part 2 or Penalties for Self-Proclaimed Rescuers in the Mediterranean Sea Latest verbal tensions between Italy’s Secretary of State Sandro Gozi and Austria’s Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz due to the Brenner border...
The electoral question in DRC and the links with state-building issues Last week we got the result of UK elections. Theresa won 316 seats, Corbyn 261 seats. The mains political parties won the election. Some people think that this result means...
Trump, an opportunity to dodge the US Supremacy on the world. As far as we know, the world is falling not because of Donald Trump but because of the lack of leadership and vision of the rest of the world leaders. On almost all the main world...
Burqa ban, Mass killings – “The scars are brutally deep and exposed for all to see.” (Vienna, 3.10.2017) – On 1st October 2017 the heavily discussed law against full-body covering in public officially termed “Prohibition on the...
Italy vs. Austria – Or the helplessness at the borders The collapsed state in Lybia triggered a new crisis and a new fear of refugees coming to Europe While the Italian government is investing 34 Million Dollars to boost border controls in...
African Union – Africa’s new societal project? 50 years after the independence of most African countries the independence of the African Union could grow to become the new societal project. In a multimillion dollar building that was a...
Das Kreuz als Symbol der Gerechtigkeit? Equidistance zu allen monotheistischen Symbolen im öffentlichen Raum Das Kreuz als Symbol der Gerechtigkeit, wie Kardinal Schönborn es uns empfiehlt, ist eine einseitige Tradition, vor allem die...