In this week's interview we welcome Olesya from Kiev
Today's show touches the topics of "educational migration" and the war in Ukraine, aswell as its historical preconditions.
Wie Melanin und Chromosomen die Wohnungssuche beeinflussen. Das Recht auf Wohnen gehört zu den Menschenrechten. Auch wenn das logisch klingt, sieht die Realität oft leider anders aus.
Heute senden wir einen Schwerpunkt zur Situation von people on the move an europäischen Binnengrenzen.
In this edition of Snapshots from the borders we are presenting you extracts from the podium discussion VER-RÜCKTE MIGRANT*INNEN that was happening on 27.09.2022 in Media Center Rathaus Graz by Verein OMEGA
Do artists in Russia show solidarity with Ukrainians? Should Ukraine continue to fight? What do the EU and the USA want to do? How will the war go on?
Mo and Aziz are the new Radioteam at Lesbos with great support by Doro. In the next months we want to get prepared and train for regular broadcasts from Lesbos.
Today we present a special show: It is the first time we broadcast from lesbos, the Paréa Community Center.