This is a radio show by Nino Jaeger about work and people who call themselves transgender or transsexuals or left the sex and gender binary-system and refuse to think themselves in certain categories. Regarding sex and gender I use the definition...
“Das Dreieck meiner Kindheit” – Eine jüdische Vorstadtgemeinde in Wien XV Sendung von Nino Jaeger über die gleichnamige Ausstellung im 15. Bezirk zur jüdischen Geschichte und Shoa in Wien. Es erzählen Judith Pühringer,...
ImMEDIAte Project – ORANGE 94.o This is a radio show by Nino Jaeger about work and people who call themselves transgender or transsexuals or left the sex and gender binary-system and refuse to think themselves in certain categories....
First Sarajevo Queer Festival 2008. by Nino Jaeger. Länge: 26min. Language: English, Croatian. The first Sarajevo Queer Festival began on 24 September 2008. It included exhibitions, performances, public discussions and films. The opening at the...
animationsfilm festival 2008 Radio show about the “tricky women” Animation Film Festival Vienna 2008 by Nino Jaeger, Daniela Lauscher and Ursula Leitgeb. Duration: 58 min Tricky Women 2008 presented for the fifth time new animated...
Interview with Ivana Marjanovic, curator of the exhibition “Exception / Contemporary art scene from Prishtine”. By Nino Jaeger. Freedom of thinking and expressing Interview from 29th February 2008 with Ivana Marjanovic, curator of the...
Quasi ein Hörspiel von Nino Jaeger. Basierend auf dem Buch “Schändliche Leidenschaften. Das Leben einer lesbischen Nonne in Italien zur Zeit der Renaissance.” von Judith C. Brown. Benedetta Carlini war die erste Äbtissin des...
Queer/Feministisches Festival um den 8. Maerz Feature zum Festival 2007 mit Interviews, Auschnitten von Workshops Website Festival Beteiligte: Nino Jaeger (Gestalter/in)
“Extra” speak: specially, for oneself, separately, additional, deliberate. Interview with one lesbian woman and two transmen from Kyrgyzstan. From everyday life of those who be said to stand beyond everyday occurrence, if normal...