18.12.2018 - Interview with Diego Urbina who was one of the simulation astronauts in the Mars 500 study about his experience working in simulations and being a simulation astronaut.
10.06.2018 - Interview with Prof. Gene Giacomelli from the University of Arizona. Gene Giacomelli developed a greenhouse for the moon, implemented a growth chamber at the South Pole Station in antarctica and is a specialist in horticulture. He teaches...
20.02.2017 - Barbara Imhof interviews Nelly Ben Hayoun, the award-winning director and designer of experiences. Nelly is a critical explorer, and a fearless and passionate provocateur. In 2013, Icon Magazine nominated Ben Hayoun as one of the 50 international...
14.11.2016 - Barbara Imhof im Gespräch mit Peter Weiss, COMEX und Gernot Grömer, ÖWF über die von den beiden Instiutionen entwickelten Simulationsweltraumanzüge und Reisepläne zum Mond, Mars und Juppitermond Europa. Home http://www.comex.fr/space.html...
08.09.2016 - Interview with Dr. Sarah Jane Pell, independent artist commercial diver, explorer and researcher. Dr. Sarah Jane Pell hopes to be amongst the first generation of artists to work in outer space. Her pioneering practice seeks to embody, and...
19.07.2016 - Live interview with Petra Gruber, Biomimicry Research and Innovation Center, University of Akron, Ohio, USA. The broadcast is about biomimetics and the transfer of biological role models transferred to architectural applications. The case study...
21.11.2015 - Dr. Barbara Imhof, space architect, interviews Behrokh Khoshnevis in Pasadena, CA, USA. Behrokh Khoshnevis is a professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering and is the Director of Manufacturing Engineering Graduate Program at the University...
17.11.2015 - Nachlese der bekannten Marssimulation AMADEE-15 am Kaunertaler Gletscher in Tirol, die das Österreichische Weltraum Forum durchgeführt wurde. Das Österreichisches Weltraum Forum ÖWF ist ein Netzwerk für Raumfahrtspezialisten und...
15.03.2015 - Interview with Design Educator and Researcher Sue Fairburn who works between the boundaries of the body and the environment. Reflections on the possibility that experience gained designing for Space and Extreme Environments could enrich design...
10.01.2015 - An interview with the British engineer Rupert Soar „Technology is an evolutionary stage of humanity. Technology can be like nature“. Rupert Soar speaks about „what architects can learn from termites“ and how we can use...
15.07.2014 - Barbara Imhof interviews Julian VincentJulian F.V. Vincent is a biologist who has pursued the topic of biomimetics especially in materials science since 1968 when he started his career at the University of Reading, UK. He carried out research and...
23.02.2014 - Ein Interview mit dem Ingenieur, Architekten und Planer Jürgen Hennicke Jürgen Hennicke hat viele Jahre an der Seite von Frei Otto gearbeitet und gelehrt und war massgeblich an der Entwicklung der Seilnetzkonstruktionen im Münchner...
18.11.2013 - The final and long version of an interview with the Hi-SEAS commander Angelo Vermeulen after termination of the Mars mission simulation. CHALLENGES: What were your greatest challenges and your greatest difficulties? LESSONS LEARNT: What...
18.11.2013 - Interview with the HI-SEAS commander Angelo Vermeulen and geologist crew member Oleg Abramov after the termination of the first 4-month Mars simulation mission. Hi-SEAS is a NASA supported project and it is designed to test food preparation...