Innsbruck shines in winter. If you're local, you may be used to it, but hear what a cheerful trio of foreigners has to say about it. Some fresh looks at architecture, Krampus and Christmas await you. Plus, a talk with the awarded project Green Steps!
Join the European volunteers in this one-hour journey full of personal traveling experiences, anecdotes and discussion. Let our musical hits take you to further horizons. Hit the play and, as Willie Nelson would say, hear us "On the Road Again!".
The EuSC Volunteers go on air for the first time to talk about their recently started journey in Tirol, Austria. Achtung: This episode is a portal to an international universe and is full of touching anecdotes!
What is Solidarity? And have you ever heard about the 11 European Youth Goals? In this episode of Talking Europe, Polona presents her take on these topics.
Special Guest: Demet, Büşra and Prandvera (EuSC volunteers at komm!unity in Wörgl and Pojat)
In questa puntata Cinzia e Orsi si tuffano in due argomenti che per loro sono passioni comuni. Discutono dei diversi tipi di saluti dal Tirolo, dall’Italia e dall’Ungheria (in Italiano!). Presentano poi Maria Montessori e il suo metodo...
A talk about New Year's celebrations and traditions.
International thoughts on mental health
On Talking Europe volunteers from all over the world talk about different topics, like Homesickness and experience with German.