It’s Pride Month. Listen to the first in our series of Pride Month specials. This week Gabriel Meszarics talks to Nigel A. JAMES.
A Belgium traveler who always stayed behind bars. Prisons. Not for being bad, but, instead, for worthy intentions. An interesting discussion. Moderted by Nigel A. JAMES
Ein interresante Diskussion.
A chat about dogs. Sehr interrasant.
Listen – this will make you want to read it!
An interesting discussion. Niki has been taking pictures for years. Photography is art, and Niki prefers black and white. Listen and discover other thinking, too.
Interview Deutsch – sehr interessant.
Listen to this interesting discussion. Radio perspectives from Africa.
Schloss Ambras in Tirol. A very interesting discussion.
Deep yogic thoughts and more.
Utopia and more! Sehr interesant.
Stefan malfér has written a history of the Breitenseerkiche in Vienna. An interesting discussion.
A garden summer discussion. German language
A full life. Pottery, places, people, and places.