Kenny< & the Koidlinga Bua..
Kenny & Mo.. 13 min late Long song Friday
1st Birthday Show.. Kenny Max & Marcus..
Playlist Friday..
Tony and Mr Ellis are joined by Mr and Mrs Ellis in a Friday the 13th Euorvision review..
Tony & Mr Ellis.. Fest Season has Begun..
Long Song Friday
Mr Ellis & Tony.. the day after Prince died..
Tony and his Wonderful beard are back in the West Bahnhof Studios.. Joining Mr Ellis in Flash Back 2016
Friday playlist.. We were all busy.. snowbombing
April Fools.. Kenny & Mr Ellis.. Request Show..
Tony & Kenny talking World Cup Fever.. Rio 2014
not sure meant to upload another show.. I’ll have to update this later..
Hip Hop & Reggae Friday.. Mr Ellis & Kenny.. hard ball get =Toad Fish..