What’s Next Christmas Edition I havent been doing any shows for a while because I had some very though times. It was important to me to bring awareness to the topic of physical, sexual and mental abuse. The people we love the most or know...
Everyday hundrets of people have to live through depression and its symptoms. I decided to give it a bit of awareness and explain what depression even is and how it can feel. Music talks a lot about it actually, we just rarely pay attention to the...
HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! Scary stories in the dark,Skinwalker,Ghosts, moving chairs and alot more. What better way to get into Halloween mood, then to start of with weird and creepy stories and some joyful halloween music!
A little music trip all around the World was the plan. This time only Europe was covered partly, next up we are going for something more in the West, then a bit south and north. Johann (Juan) surprised us at the end, a little fangirling over a...
Man to Man,Masculinity and the upcoming Theater piece of Jonas Baur. How does it feel to be a man nowadays? What is Masculinity? What does it mean?
A casual day, a casual session, Its hot outside and people are wearing shorts but why are so many people starring? Because you are different? Opening up every topic from Racism till fat shaming and queerness. How can Music change societies...
You probably never heared of a Maltese Metal Band, well this is your chance to get to know „Decline The Fall“! 5 Dudes who got to know each other and are now on their best way to get big, talking about how they formed, their Songs and...
In this Interview I am talking to Will Spencer an Artist from the UK, together with my co-host for the day Steven Hampton. Talking about his life path and his view of the world, we are also introducing his newest song „Misty Rain“ that...