What is Lwiindi, the yearly ceremony which is held by the Tonga people, living in Sinazongwe, Zambia every harvest and which role has the ancestral spirit? The broadcast has a look at the significance of Lwiindi to the community and gives...
How HIV/Aids has affected the community of Sinazongwe, Zambia concerning the social and economic situation in the district. For instance the number of widows, widowers and orphans increased in the last years which leads to social problems within...
The broadcast has a look at the contents of mass media like TV, radios and magazines and how they affect traditional music, the common dresscode and if they cause a loss of culture in rural areas like Sinazongwe, Zambia. The studio discussion...
The broadcast has a look at the school feeding program in Zambia which is part of the world food program (WFP) and which promotes the healthy status of pupils. The occasion for this broadcast is the planned application of the feeding program to...
The broadcast informs about the “Keep Zambia clean” campaign, why a clean environment is important even in rural areas like Sinazongwe, southern Zambia and what everybody can do. Produced within a radio workshop of the tonga.onair...
Studio guest Chief Sinazongwe is informing about the history of the Tonga people who were displaced because of the building of the Kariba embankment dam in the 1950s and the effects on the community. As well he is talking about the current...
A studio discussion about the life situation and the status of people infected with HIV/Aids in Zambia. As guest in the studio there is a concerned person who is especially talking from his perspective. Produced within a radio workshop of the...
Die Sendung entstand bei einer Workshopreihe des Projektes “Black! Oder Schwarz sehen in Linz!. Das Kooperationsprojekt der Black Community Linz mit Radio FRO 105.0 will versuchen, die öffentliche Provokation, als die Menschen mit...
Sendung mit RedakteurInnen vom Campus Radio der JKU Linz, die am 17. Dezember 2005 im Rahmen eines Workshops bei Radio FRO entstanden ist.