'Whatever You Throw at the Sea…'
"Performing is existential for me. I perform, therefore I am.”
She joins the dance, and collective dance, she questions consumerism and the use of clothes that are produced and wonders "How many layers ´til I´m gone".
The hegemony of European feminism, narratives, and hierarchies within the world of art and culture by interfering with feminist, gender, migrant, queer, and disability theories and practices.
The month of March is when we raise our voices against oppression, for better labor rights, for life with dignity, and for conditions in which every person should feel free. Does that apply to the Black Experience?
She writes about class struggle, capitalism, neoliberal reality, life and death, confinement, despair, anger, and spinning in circles
True experiences as a migrant working-class woman and a single mom shape her artistic practice, rooting her work in feminism and anti-discriminatory praxis, with the topics of women*s rights, trauma, healing, migration, and anti-capitalism.
Me & myself & I and my personal Yugo sevdah music list. If we don't have joy in life, it's like we don't live.
Now, Back To Me! Fortunately, tonight we are only talking about her, the unique Denice Bourbon, number one diva of Vienna's queer avant-garde and notoriously trash-mouthed columnist, tells it all.
Tonight we're talking about how anger and care are related. In what ways do we connect our political struggles to better understand the oppression we live in? We talk about migration, colonialism, racism, and capitalism.
The performance "Hijab offline" is a personal protest against the restrictions, discipline, and expectations of society and family about the role of a woman.
Two artists walk from Vienna to Istanbul, reading and discussing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They explore its real possibilities, powers, and... cracks.