03.10.2024 - Across much of Europe, forest fires are intensifying year upon year. We want to know who started the fire and what we can do to avoid fanning the flames! #fire #autumn #forestfire #climatechange #europe Our guests are: Lieutenant Colonel László...
21.09.2024 - Niamh Shaw, spoke to Barbara Imhof and Sue Fairburn, about their residency in the foothills of the Himalayas and their investigations in topics, such as air atmospheres, environment, ecology during their art science residency. The conversation...
09.09.2024 - Wie geht es dem Dachsteingletscher aktuell, kann er noch gerettet werden und was bedeutet es für unsere Zukunft?
27.06.2024 - We don’t seem to consider industrial farming as great a culprit as it really is. And it affects all of us.
16.05.2024 - As we rush to #SaveTheBees, many don’t know how, or which ones face the real threat of extinction.
19.04.2024 - The universal experience of excretion has been with us for millennia, yet the topic is considered taboo in many cultures.
22.01.2024 - Many mountain regions in the Alps are affected by out-migration. However, climate change is also causing some people to migrate - at least temporarily - from the city to the mountains, as an Italian research project shows.
11.09.2023 - Eine Sendung über klimafreundliches Bauen, bzw. nicht Bauen.
05.04.2023 - C3 Radio: Sozial gerechte Klimapolitik auf globaler Ebene – wie geht es weiter?
30.05.2022 - Bodenversiegelung, ihre Folgen, Auswege und Best Practice Beispiele; Ein Interview mit den Kuratorinnen Karoline Mayer und Katharina Ritter von der Ausstellung "Boden für Alle"