14.06.2023 - Auralising your dreams
10.05.2023 - Auralising your dreams
23.02.2023 - Carina and Lea introduce their podcast and examine how the artistic and collective publishing of alternative publication media is used as a vehicle by critical non-Western, migrant, and post-migrant voices to promote visibility and belonging.
08.02.2023 - Love is in the Air. Love is the Dead Air. You are listening to the Dead Air. Plus bonus material: a reflection superstar contributors – Comic Joe Bates. Click —> here for his award winning podcast. – Celebrity Hairdresser...
14.12.2022 - auralizing your dreams
24.11.2022 - Vorstellung des Comic-Bändchens von Nicolas Mahler, renommierter Comic-Künstler, der darin einige Örtlichkeiten in der Stadt Salzburg illustriert und dazu kurze Texte von Thomas Bernhard ausgewählt hat. Mahler ist ein international...
09.11.2022 - Auralizing your dreams
12.10.2022 - auralising your dreams
14.09.2022 - auralizing your dreams
10.08.2022 - Auralizing your dreams