19.04.2024 - The universal experience of excretion has been with us for millennia, yet the topic is considered taboo in many cultures.
29.02.2024 - Marion Steinfellner und Lou Liska, die Queerness, Performancekunst, der Tanz, das Schreiben und die Malerei verbinden, schreiben gerade an einem gemeinsamen Buch namens « Queer Ecology ». Lou Liska studierte Humanökologie und arbeitet im...
25.02.2020 - Interview with Francesca Thyssen Bornemisza, founder and head of the TBA21 for contemporary art and the TBA21–Academy and Dayne Buddo, marine ecologist and CEO of the Alligator Head Foundation (AHF), a Jamaican-based project supported by the...
18.09.2017 - An Antarctic conversation with Lisen Schultz, a biospherian scientist from Sweden und with the German artist Julius von Bismarck. Recorded by Barbara Imhof onboard of the ship of the Antarctic Biennale Expedition in March 2017....