19.04.2024 - The universal experience of excretion has been with us for millennia, yet the topic is considered taboo in many cultures.
29.02.2024 - Marion Steinfellner und Lou Liska, die Queerness, Performancekunst, der Tanz, das Schreiben und die Malerei verbinden, schreiben gerade an einem gemeinsamen Buch namens „Queer Ecology“. Lou Liska studierte Humanökologie und arbeitet...
25.02.2020 - Interview with Francesca Thyssen Bornemisza, founder and head of the TBA21 for contemporary art and the TBA21–Academy and Dayne Buddo, marine ecologist and CEO of the Alligator Head Foundation (AHF), a Jamaican-based project supported by the...
18.09.2017 - An Antarctic conversation with Lisen Schultz, a biospherian scientist from Sweden und with the German artist Julius von Bismarck. Recorded by Barbara Imhof onboard of the ship of the Antarctic Biennale Expedition in March 2017....