07.09.2021 - Ein b.a.s.e. talk, welcher spannender nicht sein könnte! Mit Markus Petzl spreche ich unter anderem über die Themen: Was ist Disruption und in welchen globalen Veränderungsprozessen befinden wir uns gerade?
02.09.2021 - Achtsamkeit in den Berufsalltag bringen
06.08.2021 - *** appologies, the music is on MONO on this recording, – the organicness and flawfulness of celebrating aliveness and cummunity radio Patranjali’s SUTRA 1.47, Erich Schiffman & his book YOGA The Spirit and Pracitce of Moving into...
04.06.2021 - annemarie of VENUSfrequency, living and sharing a pop|culture way of the YOGA, MEDITATION, HOLISTIC BODY WISDOM and SOUL ARTistry lifestyle in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting and loving world.
28.05.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.39 today, to continue diligently with our sutra study. brew yourself a nice cup of organic fair trade beautiful green or delicious herbal tea, And now, let yourself be reminded of the power of your radiance. It comes from...
14.05.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.37 today, one view at it from a scolarly and traditional may I say conservative perspective, using my yoga sutra study companion book, THE YOGA SUTRAS of PATANJALI, by EDWIN f. BRYANT and one more contemporary explanation...
07.05.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.36 today, SHIVOHAM and the actual details about the four agreements to continue on last weeks intro to Don Miguel RUIZ’s TOLTEC teachings. YOGA is music of the soul BKS Iyengar used to say. So do continue, and the...
16.04.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.33 today, loving-kindness, friendliness, compassion, joy and equanimity, … sukha dukha and the 7 Channels of Elimination, the highlights of this episode! You, me, us. Hanging out together, another noteworthy highlight...
09.04.2021 - “AS I BEGAN TO LOVE MYSELF…” A POEM BY CHARLIE CHAPLIN As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is...
29.01.2021 - Courage dear one your journey is indeed long and perhaps your limbs grow waery each night rest and be at ease but each morning rise up again, LIKE a LION filled with the radiance of the sun and meet the day with a steady heart ablaze with the...