17.12.2021 - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, like all sacred texts that have withstood the test of time—in this case many centuries (it was written in the second century BCE), is brimming with wisdom. You could take an entire lifetime or three, and still not...
26.11.2021 - VENUSfrequency,because the power to either destroy & suppress or to heal, awaken, co-create & nourish, lies in our own vision & responsibility.
12.11.2021 - https://cba.media/podcast/venusfrequency
22.10.2021 - and then there we concluded the first chapter of patanjali’s yoga sutra’s in last week’s show….. and we will summarize a bit more on this chapter in todays show, before we allow ourselves to dive into a new PADA of...
17.09.2021 - VENUSfrequency yogic edition 17 SEP 2021 | yoga sutra 1.49 | dr. joe Dispenza | karma vs. dharma
07.09.2021 - Ein b.a.s.e. talk, welcher spannender nicht sein könnte! Mit Markus Petzl spreche ich unter anderem über die Themen: Was ist Disruption und in welchen globalen Veränderungsprozessen befinden wir uns gerade?
02.09.2021 - Achtsamkeit in den Berufsalltag bringen
06.08.2021 - *** appologies, the music is on MONO on this recording, – the organicness and flawfulness of celebrating aliveness and cummunity radio Patranjali’s SUTRA 1.47, Erich Schiffman & his book YOGA The Spirit and Pracitce of Moving into...
04.06.2021 - annemarie of VENUSfrequency, living and sharing a pop|culture way of the YOGA, MEDITATION, HOLISTIC BODY WISDOM and SOUL ARTistry lifestyle in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting and loving world.
28.05.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.39 today, to continue diligently with our sutra study. brew yourself a nice cup of organic fair trade beautiful green or delicious herbal tea, And now, let yourself be reminded of the power of your radiance. It comes from...