06.11.2024 - (english below) In Bangladesch leben knapp eine Million geflüchtete Rohingya in großen Lagern im Südosten des Landes. Solange der Bürgerkrieg in Myanmar weitergeht und auch die Gefahr eines weiteren Genozids an ihnen noch besteht, können...
13.06.2024 - Fear not! We’ll help you Fearmonger like a pro! Who needs solutions, when you can market salvation instead? Tap into societal fears today!
24.04.2024 - In our latest English Frequency podcast, we hear from our Erasmus stars, Desi and Johanna, who met each other while studying abroad and discussed their experiences of their first few weeks as exchange students in Manchester and Limerick,...
14.02.2024 - In this episode of VC Mytilini, we take an in depth look at the 2018 court case of the Moria 35 together with Vicky, who was one of the lawyers defending the accused during the court case. The Moria 35 were a group of 35 migrants who were...
12.01.2024 - In this episode of VC Mytilini, we figure out what is going on with the planned Vastria CCAC (Closed Controlled Access Center) on Lesbos. It is meant to replace the current Marovouni facility that has been in use since Moria burnt down and was...
13.09.2023 - Welcome Office Lesbos is an organisation that does something that almost no other organization does, certainly not on Lesbos.
10.07.2023 - A show about the 2023 Greek elections and its relevance for flight and migration.
07.07.2023 - Die Autorin Verena Mayr engagiert sich bei Border Crossing Spielfeld und unterstützt Balkanroutenüberlebende, die in Zelten untergebracht wurden. Ihrer Beweggründe sich zivilgesellschaftlich zu engagieren wurzeln in ihrer Biographie. .
01.07.2023 - +++ Regenbogenparade +++ Rechtsextremer christlich-fundamentalistischer „Marsch für die Familie“ +++ Weltflüchtlingstag +++ Solidarität mit inhaftierten Klimaaktivist*innen in Frankreich +++
29.03.2023 - This episode of Voices Of Mytilene is about the arbitrary criminalization of migrants in Greece. Currently there are over a thousand migrants spending time in jail in Greece as they are accused of smuggling or other highly dubious charges. It is a...