31.01.2025 - ascultătoare și ascultători, se pare că nu numai copiii cei mai răi din clasă au lipsit la orele de istorie, însă nici chiar dacă ai fost acolo, nu s-a predat. explicăm astăzi, pe foarte scurt, cum a fost holocaustul în...
20.05.2024 - ascultători și ascultătoare, ne redăm întâlnire azi cu un nou episod din seria „da’ ce face dom’le UE pentru noi?”, în care intrăm puțin în detaliu despre structura UE și cum funcționează . ca de obicei, avem și...
13.05.2024 - A discussion about the precarious working conditions of foreign caregivers in Austria
20.04.2024 - In which I mean to play some songs about spring but get a little distracted by songs about mining, choral music, fado, a lullaby. Featuring Blaze Foley, Arvo Pärt, Fairouz, Charlie Chaplin, Jewish-Viennese composer Hermann Leopoldi and...
14.01.2024 - Can mourning play a central role in shaping a new perspective on crises? Does it possess the power to dissolve barriers between the self and the other, be it human or nonhuman?
29.12.2021 - Romanian multimedia artist Andreea Vlăduț and Austrian multidisciplinary artist Christa Wall on their interdisciplinary project From Tears to Ideas*.
11.09.2019 - This Special will give you insight in a cooperation RADIO FRO had with SOUNDS LIKE A BOOK regarding their residency BANDWIDTH – you’ll hear about the residency itself through words by its co-ordinator and radio fro editor Lukas Jakob Löcker,...
25.12.2018 - 12 months, 12 episodes. Closing out ZamZaman’s inaugural year on the airwaves of Radio Orange, here’s a mellow mix of some of our favorite discoveries from 2018 that did not make it into the show’s previous editions. Sit back and...
01.06.2018 - For this month’s episode of ZamZaman, we jump into the musical melting pot of Romania. Turkish rhythms, Slavic melodies, Roma harmonies and echoes of a Jewish past are all an integral part of Romania’s auditory landscape. A road trip...
01.02.2018 - RoadToMidnight is back with a special guest, Daniel. A guy who knows one or two about the Austrian music scene. Hear this special show where Romanian and Austrian music is compared and talked about.