03.01.2025 - Zur Gast in der Sendung ist Chinaexpertin und Wirtschaftssoziologin Lia Musitz. Sie ist Sinologin, Wirtschaftsoziologin und wissenschaftliche Studienautorin u.a. für die Arbeiterkammer, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Politik,...
09.12.2024 - In insgesamt vier Episoden wird Sustainability Studies und Gender Studies miteinander verschränkt. Hört rein und findet heraus, was Geschlechtergerechtigkeit mit nachhaltiger Entwicklung zu tun hat.
11.06.2024 - Architecture is for human beeings right?
12.12.2023 - Innsbruck shines in winter. If you're local, you may be used to it, but hear what a cheerful trio of foreigners has to say about it. Some fresh looks at architecture, Krampus and Christmas await you. Plus, a talk with the awarded project Green Steps!
17.05.2023 - The moment has come – this was Radio Student ZG’s final episode of the podcast, in which Poschko and both Saras shared their opinions on the need for violence and civil disobedience in eco- and other forms of activism.Sara P held an...
02.05.2023 - This month are our last Unpolluted on air podcasts being played on Radio Helsinki Graz, Radio Marš Maribor and Radio Student Zagreb. The grand final topic of May – Activism. Our Graz team focused on the activists, organisations and...
12.04.2023 - Ivan P, Sara P and Sara S from Radio Student trash-talked waste management in Zagreb. We’ve reflected on the new garbage sorting model in Zagreb and shared our thoughts on it. We have also prepared a short vox populi where you can hear other...
12.04.2023 - In this week’s episode of Unpolluted On Air, produced by Radio MARŠ, Alja talks to Julija Beršnjak and Nataša Vrhnjak from Ropotarnica. Located on Partizanska Road in Maribor, Ropotarnica is a “reuse center”, where clothes, items and...
12.04.2023 - The RadioActivists of Radio Helsinki open their April edition of Unpolluted On Air with some trash talk. Well, talking about waste in a constructive way, to put it better. Theresa shares some statistics, tips and tricks, Leila and Gea talk to the...
22.03.2023 - In this episode, the Radio Student team talked about second hand and fast fashion. Sara P spoke with Nidžara Mustafić about her second hand shop Mango Sticky Rice. Mustafić spoke about the importance of sustainable fashion and told us the...