29.08.2024 - Our latest podcast deals with the often-controversial topic of accessibility for disabled and impaired students at the University of Innsbruck. Our team discusses, with the aid of responses from one of our disabled students, issues that may seem...
26.08.2024 - Eine Sendung mit Martin Korenjak, Professor für Klassische Philologie und Institutsleiter an der Universität Innsbruck, u.a. zum Thema "Alte Sprachen in der heutigen Zeit"
04.08.2024 - It’s July 2024, and our latest podcast features the final wrap-up of our Erasmus stories from Desi and Johanna, who have both now returned and are ready to spill the beans on their experiences. Francesca reports from the Highland Games in...
02.07.2024 - Our latest podcast features two wonderful interviews with special guests from the University of Innsbruck! Join us to hear what our new Dean of Studies, Dr Elisabeth De Filip-Jaud, has to say about her plans for the future of the Faculty for...
18.06.2024 - Im heutigen Uni Konkret Magazin hört ihr Interviews mit der Institution Streetworks des Vereins für Obdachlose, mit Johannes Rüdisser vom Institut für Ökologie der Uni Innsbruck und dem Verein ZEMIT zu einem neuen Projekt.
02.06.2024 - Our latest podcast is a special one! We have an interview with our outgoing Dean of Studies, Gerhard Pisek, who tells us about his career at the University of Innsbruck and his plans for retirement, Katharina Isser joins in the studio to inform us...
21.05.2024 - Das Uni Konkret Magazin vom 20.5.2024
21.05.2024 - Handelt es sich beim Kommunalsdolmetschen weiterhin um eine prekäre Situation für alle Beteiligten? Das Institut für Translationswissenschaft hat sich dieser Frage in einer hochkarätig besetzten Podiumsdiskussion angenähert.
24.04.2024 - In our latest English Frequency podcast, we hear from our Erasmus stars, Desi and Johanna, who met each other while studying abroad and discussed their experiences of their first few weeks as exchange students in Manchester and Limerick,...
08.04.2024 - For our first show of 2024, our team takes a look at the application process for an Erasmus semester abroad, including personal insights from two of our team, Desi and Johanna, who have just left us to study in Manchester and Limerick,...