05.04.2024 - VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.
29.03.2024 - VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.
27.03.2024 - Jugendbetreuung neu interpretiert- neue Perspektiven zur pädagogischen Praxis mit Jugendlichen mit Migrationsbiografie. Wir sprechen mit Anita Waldy sprechen, die sich in der Jugendarbeit mit Menschen unterschiedlichster Herkunft engagiert.
22.03.2024 - VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.
19.03.2024 - Entdecke, wie du durch bewusste Atemtechniken deine Lebensqualität verbessern kannst.
15.03.2024 - VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.
01.03.2024 - VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.
25.02.2024 - Finde heraus wie du dein Lymphsystem aktivieren kannst, um den Alterungsprozess zu verlangsamen und deine Gesundheit von innen heraus zu fördern.
23.02.2024 - VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.
16.02.2024 - VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.