Trust Your Gut 05.10.2016

Campus & City Radio 94.4
  • TrustYourGut_05.10.2016
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The Power of Dreaming Big – The FINAL Trust Your Gut Talk Show

Have you ever had that one special dream you had in mind for a long time and asked yourself, what would it be like to live in my ultimate dream? How many times did you tell yourself you can’t?  We are the ones who create who we will become.  Your desire is to live your life to the fullest.  Sandy Amaro and Werner Widauer are discussing on how you can make your biggest dream a reality.

1 Kommentar

  1. Hi Sandy!
    Your last Show was for me the best „trust your gut talk Show”. I say yes to Werner´s examples und I think we all should spend more time with People, who motivated us und being powerful. I am really inspirited, when I hear your Show and I would like to hear more about Intuition!! So I hope that you talk more in Radio Campus.
    At least I wish you, that your dream will come true!!! A big kiss from Doris


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